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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Out of the blue

             This blog is for people going through any kind of problems or stresses. Especially through emotional turmoil. I'll make one thing clear. I am not a qualified or professional psychologist or something equivalent to that.
             The idea is just to share your problems with me and I'll propose a solution to it which I think might be best for you because a lot of times it happens so that the solution is clear,simple and right in front of us but we are unable to see it. So sharing your ideas with me, I'll be able to give you a third person's view and solution to your issue. Of course NO COST is involved. Its more of a friendship thing. So it will work out for loners and introverts too, who are not comfortable sharing there ideas with anyone directly.
             Afterwards if you permit me, I will also share your issue and the proposed solution on this blog, so that other people going through similar situations might be able to follow the lead (of course if you don't want, everything would remain private).
             You can e-mail me anything at and i'll be there to answer. If the reply is a bit late, forgive me because I have a lot on my hands most of the time.